In the years following the real estate implosion, foreign purchases have been one of the few bright spots in an otherwise gloomy market. 美国房地产市场崩溃后的这几年里,外国买家的置业行为一直是这个惨淡的市场里少有的亮点之一。
Both of them need to make their foreign purchases and outsourcing more skillful and powerful. 它们在进行海外采购时应该更加注重技巧和实力。
But now, slower growth has reduced the amount of foreign money flowing in while Chinese banks 'net foreign exchange purchases recorded their largest-ever decline in December and January. 但现在,增长放缓已减少了境外资金流入,而中国各银行的净外汇购买量在去年12月和今年1月录得史上最大幅度的下降。
But economists expect that increases in the money supply via the new PBoC lending facility would probably be offset by withdrawals via other tools such as reduced foreign exchange purchases, open market operations and the required reserve ratio. 但经济学家预计,中国央行新的放贷工具所增加的货币供应,很可能将被通过其他工具(如减少外汇购买、公开市场操作和存款准备金率)抽走的流动性所抵消。
A parliamentary inquiry recently recommended the creation of a new database of foreign buyers and the introduction of a fee on processing purchases. 最近,澳大利亚议会一项调查结果建议,澳大利亚政府设立一个有关外国买家的新数据库,并征收购房手续费。
Brazilians, who make up the third-largest contingent of foreign tourists, had developed a reputation for filling suitcases with purchases of clothing and everyday items. 作为第三大外国游客群体的巴西人,因为用买来的衣服和日用品把行李箱塞得满满当当而出了名。
Brazil recently doubled a tax on foreign purchases of its domestic debt. 巴西最近就对外国购买本国债券的税金翻了一番。
So when its foreign sales fall, its overseas purchases drop as well. 因此当中国的国外销售减少时,其国外收购也会减少。
With impeccable logic, Brazil has imposed taxes on foreign purchases of bonds and equities it has nothing to gain from an asset bubble and no desire to allow hot money to drive its exchange rate through the roof. 巴西凭借无懈可击的逻辑,对外国投资者购买本国债券和股票征税,因为它从资产泡沫中捞不到任何好处,也不打算让热钱把里尔汇率炒上天。
The dollar exchange rate is important because the US relies on hefty foreign purchases of securities and other assets to fund its current account deficit. 美元汇率相当重要,因为美国依赖于外国大量购买美国证券和其它资产,为美国经常账户赤字提供融资。
The US Treasury International Capital System ( TIC) data show a massive drop in net foreign purchases of us long-term securities since the end of June. 美国财政部国际资本流动(tic)数据显示,自6月底以来,外国购买美国长期证券净额大幅度下降。
Any net increase in foreign purchases of euro-denominated local government bonds has an impact far beyond short-term funding. 外国购买的以欧元计价地方政府债券的任何净增长,其影响力必然远远超出短期融资的范畴。
They understand that US fiscal policy implies big purchases of government bonds by the Fed this year, since neither foreign nor private domestic purchases will suffice to fund the deficit. 他们明白,美国的财政政策意味着美联储将在今年购入大量国债,因为无论是外国投资者,还是美国国内的私人购买,都不足以为赤字融资。
Similarly, Japan has seen a rise in investors increasing their ownership of foreign securities in recent years and there are no limitations on residential purchases. 与此相似的是,近年来在日本,越来越多的投资者增加了对外国证券的持有量,对房产购置也没有任何限制。
On Monday Brazil said it was increasing again the taxes on foreign bond purchases to 6 per cent, having already doubled them to 4 per cent. 周一巴西表示,再次上调外资购买巴西债券的交易税率至6%,此前该国政府已将这一税率提高一倍到4%。
The Council on foreign relations in July released a study showing that purchases of Fannie and Freddie debt by the central banks of Brazil, Russia, India and China had declined. 美国对外关系委员会(councilonforeignrelations)7月份发布的一项报告研究显示,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国央行购买的“两房”债务有所减少。
Loans and grants: when a country grants loans or gifts to another country, the currency of the lender country so provided may be used to buy other currencies in the foreign exchange market for purchases to be made from those countries. 贷款和赠款:当一国对另一国贷款或赠款时,如此提供的贷款国货币,会用到外汇率市场上去购买其它国家货币,去购买这些国家的货物。
Both China and India impose strict limits on foreign bond purchases. 中国和印度都对外国投资者购买债券有严格限制。
There is no way to get away from the lack of corporate bond inflows, the foreign selling of US equities and the countervailing strong US purchases of foreign equities and bonds. 面对企业债市场流动性匮乏、外国投资者抛售美国股票而美国投资者大举购买外国股票和债券,美元无法摆脱影响。
Few foreign purchases are turned away by Canada and the US. 加拿大和美国很少拒绝外资收购。
Where Brazil led, taxing foreign purchases of debt and equity, Taiwan and China followed, excluding foreigners from some local-currency deposits. 巴西首当其冲,对外国资本购买本国债务和股票课税;中国大陆与台湾紧随其后,将外国人排除在几种本币存款业务之外。